Dead Sea Hair Care Products

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Dead Sea Cosmetics -> Dead Sea Hair Care -> 17 items
Our Dead Sea Hair products offer a comprehensive hair treatment regimen, from Mud or Mineral Shampoo to Mineral Hair Conditioner, Anti Dandruff Shampoo and Hair Masks with Dead Sea Cosmetics and various natural products such as aloe vera, sea buckthorn oil and more.

H&B Treatment Shampoo with Sea Buckthorn and Dead Sea Minerals
H&B Treatment Shampoo with Sea Buckthorn and Dead Sea Minerals

H&B Hair Serum with Fragrant Oils and Dead Sea Minerals - Moroccan Argan Oil
H&B Hair Serum with Fragrant Oils and Dead Sea Minerals - Moroccan Argan Oil

H&B Hair Mask with Mud Treatment with Dead Sea Minerals
H&B Hair Mask with Mud Treatment with Dead Sea Minerals

H&B Hair Mask with Avocado Oil, Aloe Vera and Dead Sea Minerals
H&B Hair Mask with Avocado Oil, Aloe Vera and Dead Sea Minerals

H&B Hair Mask with Argan Oil and Dead Sea Minerals
H&B Hair Mask with Argan Oil and Dead Sea Minerals

H&B Hair Mask with Olive Oil and Honey and Dead Sea Minerals
H&B Hair Mask with Olive Oil and Honey and Dead Sea Minerals

H&B Olive Oil and Honey Treatment Shampoo with Dead Sea Minerals
H&B Olive Oil and Honey Treatment Shampoo with Dead Sea Minerals

H&B Argan Oil From Morocco Treatment Shampoo with Dead Sea Minerals
H&B Argan Oil From Morocco Treatment Shampoo with Dead Sea Minerals

H&B Mud Treatment Shampoo with Dead Sea Minerals
H&B Mud Treatment Shampoo with Dead Sea Minerals

H&B Hair Mask with Keratin and Dead Sea Minerals for Straightened Hair
H&B Hair Mask with Keratin and Dead Sea Minerals for Straightened Hair

H&B Rosemary and Nettle Anti Dandruff Treatment Shampoo with Dead Sea Minerals
H&B Rosemary and Nettle Anti Dandruff Treatment Shampoo with Dead Sea Minerals

H&B Pomegranate Treatment Shampoo with Dead Sea Minerals
H&B Pomegranate Treatment Shampoo with Dead Sea Minerals

H&B Hair Conditioner with Buckthorn Oil, Aloe Vera and Dead Sea Minerals
H&B Hair Conditioner with Buckthorn Oil, Aloe Vera and Dead Sea Minerals

H&B PSO Soothing Shampoo
H&B PSO Soothing Shampoo

H&B Hair Serum with Dead Sea Minerals and Fragrant Oils - Sea Buckthorn Oil
H&B Hair Serum with Dead Sea Minerals and Fragrant Oils - Sea Buckthorn Oil

H&B Hair Serum with Dead Sea Minerals and Fragrant Oils - Flax Oil
H&B Hair Serum with Dead Sea Minerals and Fragrant Oils - Flax Oil

H&B Hair Serum with Dead Sea Minerals and Fragrant Oils - Keratin
H&B Hair Serum with Dead Sea Minerals and Fragrant Oils - Keratin


You can care for your hair in a gentle natural way using these items containing dead sea products and products from nature like aloe vera, argan oil, carrot oil and avocado. The most popular hair repair moroccan oil mask uses oil from the argan nut to rehabilitate dry hair and split ends. The Ein Gedi black mud shampoo uses geniune mud from the banks of the dead sea to nourish and deep cleanse the hair. H&B uses the natural sea buckthorn oil as a shampoo for dry colored hair, which is rich in aromatic oils, vitamin E and a complex of dead sea minerals. Other ingredients are jojoba oil, almond oil and others t nourish and repair your hair leaving it soft and flexible. Also good for thinning hair, nourishing the scalp and roots.


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